Frequently Asked Questions

  • I need a website. Where do I start?

    To get started, schedule an appointment for a free consultation. We'll call you within one business day to gather information about your business and online needs and schedule an informal meeting to review what we have discovered and discuss a web strategy.

  • Do you offer web design plans?

    Yes, we offer three plans which are affordable and offer more. Checkout our plans.

  • How do you handle edits during a site build?

    During the site build, you can use our comment editing tool to post desired changes directly on the web page. We'll make the requested change and you will be notified by email. No need for tracking requests made by emails, texts, screen captures, etc. All edits are stored in the editing section of your website.

  • Can you redesign my website?

    Yes, we can. Contact us and we'll review your current website so we can discuss what you'd like to change and make suggestions for improvements.

  • Will I be able to see my website while it is being designed?

    Absolutely. We'll provide a link so that you can watch its progress and you'll be able to provide comments on each page for desired edits. We'll receive an email, make the requested changes, and you will receive an email confirming mission accomplished. It's a more convenient and efficient way of requesting changes as we build your website.

  • Do you offer discovery for website design projects?

    Yes, we offer a discovery process. Learn why discovery is the key to your website's success.

  • What is data-driven web design?

    Data-Driven design is a very important process for redesign of your website. We study analytics (data) to identify devices used, visitor behavior, and more and based on our findings, a new design concept is put into place. We'll walk you through the data and web design we believe will help improve your customer's journey.

  • Do you include search engine optimization in websites you build?

    During the site build, we perform basic search optimization on every page. However, we advise ongoing SEO to get and keep your site positioned on page 1. Ongoing search optimization is offered in our web design agreement, 

  • Will I be able to maintain by website?

    Yes, you can. Our web hosting plan provides an easy-to-use content management system.  Our website includes tutorials for how to edit your website. 

  • Do you offer maintenance for my website?

    Yes, we can maintain your website for a fixed monthly fee or on an hourly basis.

  • How often should my website be updated?

    It depends on the type of business you have and your target market. For example, a service-based business with traffic visits once or twice won't need to update as often as an e-commerce site with inventory that is frequently changing. However, search engines look for site growth, so over time you should consider adding optimized content to your site. And if visitors see the same content they will most likely think nothing new here and move on to your competition's website.

  • Do you design WordPress sites?

    We have designed WordPress sites, but prefer not to since they aren't as secure as the platform we use. We don't want to see our clients' websites down or for them to incur charges for updating themes, plug-ins or restoration of files on the server.  We provide a better alternative to WordPress

  • How long will it take my website to get to page 1 of Google?

    There are no guarantees. However it could take 3-6 months, or more, if you are the "new kid on the block" (a new domain name and website). It often requires comprehensive search engine optimization (SEO), a work-in-progress to see results. Your competitions' web presence and the skill of the firm who is designing and optimizing your site all play a role in search results. However, we have seen some of the sites we've designed hit Google's page 1 within the first month primarily due to our basic search optimization performed and limited competition in local search for that type of business.

  • Do you build eCommerce websites?

    Yes. For a new eCommerce site, we often suggest starting with PayPal Standard, Stripe or some other service that only charges for transactions.  As the volume of sales increases, the better option might be signing up with, PayPal Pro or another payment gateway provider. Our web hosting platform offers an eCommerce plan that integrates with several gateways. Don't hesitate to contact us for more information.

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