A blue shield with the word ada on it

AudioEye ADA Compliance: Ensuring Website Accessibility for All Users

Having a website that is visually appealing and functional is extremely important for any business or organization. However, it is equally crucial to ensure that the website is accessible to everyone, including individuals with disabilities. This is where AudioEye ADA compliance comes into play.

Can you be sued for having a website that isn't ADA-compliant?
As lawmakers push for a more inclusive internet for everyone, ADA compliance is a must for business websites. Having a non-compliant website puts business owners at risk of serious legal consequences, including receiving demand letters and facing lawsuits.

How AudioEye Helps with Compliance

AudioEye is a leading provider of digital accessibility solutions that help businesses and organizations make their websites accessible and compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). It's more than having ramps and grab bars at your place of business. The ADA also requires that websites be accessible to individuals with disabilities.

AudioEye's technology and services are designed to address the specific accessibility needs of individuals with various disabilities, including visual, auditory, cognitive, and motor impairments. By implementing AudioEye's solutions, website owners can ensure that their site's content is accessible and usable by all users, regardless of their abilities.

One of the key features of AudioEye's technology is its advanced automated testing and remediation platform. This platform continuously scans the website for accessibility issues and provides detailed reports on any potential accessibility barriers. These barriers could include things like missing alternative text for images, improper heading structures, and lack of keyboard navigation options.

Once the accessibility issues are identified, AudioEye's platform provides automated solutions to fix them. These solutions range from adding alt text to images, correcting heading structures, and implementing Keyboard navigation functionalities. By automating the remediation process, AudioEye corrects approximately 35% of the problem areas but reports show other areas of the website that need updating to meet ADA standards. This helps us save time and resources while working to address these issues.


Another standout feature of AudioEye's ADA compliance solutions is its assistive technology toolbar. This toolbar allows users with disabilities to customize their browsing experience according to their specific needs. It offers features like text-to-speech functionality, color and font adjustments, and keyboard navigation options. These customization options empower individuals with disabilities to navigate and interact with the website in a way that suits their abilities. Look at the left side of our page for the icon and click to see the adjustments that can be made for a better user experience.

AudioEye's commitment to website accessibility goes beyond just compliance. The company also provides ongoing monitoring and support to ensure that the website remains accessible as new content and updates are added. This proactive approach helps businesses and organizations stay on top of accessibility standards and provide an inclusive online experience for all users.

In conclusion, AudioEye's ADA compliance solutions are crucial in ensuring that websites are accessible to individuals with disabilities. By automating the testing and remediation process, providing manual testing and consulting services, and offering an assistive technology toolbar, AudioEye helps businesses and organizations achieve ADA compliance and provide a seamless user experience for individuals with disabilities. Embracing accessibility not only benefits those with disabilities but also enhances user experience for all users, contributing to a more inclusive and equitable online environment.

Oasis Grafx is offering the AudioEye tool to our clients to bring their websites in compliance with the ADA Act making it user-friendly for visitors with disabilities. .

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